100 Semi-automatic

Practicality in a beautiful form
Practicality in a beautiful form
Since 1920, La San Marco has represented excellence in the production of espresso machines. It is a recognized leader in the segment of machines with the traditional lever system. It also produces a wide range of traditional, automatic and semi-automatic machines, and capsule machines, grinders and other professional equipment for bars, restaurants and hotels, which it distributes worldwide.
La San Marco S.P.A.
Via Padre e Figlio Venuti, 10 – 34072 – Gradisca D’isonzo (GO) – Italy Tel. (+39) 0481 967111 – Fax: (+39) 0481 960166 – Info@lasanmarco.com – lasanmarcospa@pec-mail.It – C.F. 00157550302 – P.Iva 00518180310 – Reg. Impr. Gorizia N. 00157550302 – Capitale Sociale EUR 7.000.000 i.v.
Subject to management and coordination by Groupe Seb SA