La San Marco has decided to equip Leva Luxury, the top of the lever machine range, with a PID system. The system, already widely used in modern industrial systems, allows not only electronic control over the water in the boiler but its easy adjustment for the first time on a completely electromechanical machine.
The PID system (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) works by electronically modulating the energy supplied to the heating element, thus keeping the temperature constant and replacing the current pressure switch which is unable to guarantee constant temperature.
La San Marco adds a sixth element – Monitoring, essential for an even better coffee – to the traditional five key elements that go towards preparing a well-made espresso coffee (Blend, Grinding, Machine, Maintenance, Hand).
Since 1920, La San Marco has represented excellence in the production of espresso machines. It is a recognized leader in the segment of machines with the traditional lever system. It also produces a wide range of traditional, automatic and semi-automatic machines, and capsule machines, grinders and other professional equipment for bars, restaurants and hotels, which it distributes worldwide.
La San Marco S.P.A.
Via Padre e Figlio Venuti, 10 – 34072 – Gradisca D’isonzo (GO) – Italy Tel. (+39) 0481 967111 – Fax: (+39) 0481 960166 – Info@lasanmarco.com – lasanmarcospa@pec-mail.It – C.F. 00157550302 – P.Iva 00518180310 – Reg. Impr. Gorizia N. 00157550302 – Capitale Sociale EUR 7.000.000 i.v.
Subject to management and coordination by Groupe Seb SA