The choice of environmental friendliness and energy savings are core values for our company. For each of our products, we have chosen to use the most recyclable materials, without detracting from the performance. Through periodic reporting, we constantly monitor the disposal process of our production waste and old models, verifying the correct recovery process. In recent years, we have intensified our research and adoption of low-consumption technology.
Unlike the electronic extraction system, in the lever-driven system, the extraction pressure is not constant:
Thanks to the rapid drop in pressure during the final phase, the unpleasant bitter notes from the over-extracted coffee grounds do not reach the cup. You are left with the pure nectar of a real espresso coffee.
Since 1920, La San Marco has represented excellence in the production of espresso machines. It is a recognized leader in the segment of machines with the traditional lever system. It also produces a wide range of traditional, automatic and semi-automatic machines, and capsule machines, grinders and other professional equipment for bars, restaurants and hotels, which it distributes worldwide.
La San Marco S.P.A.
Via Padre e Figlio Venuti, 10 – 34072 – Gradisca D’isonzo (GO) – Italy Tel. (+39) 0481 967111 – Fax: (+39) 0481 960166 – Info@lasanmarco.com – lasanmarcospa@pec-mail.It – C.F. 00157550302 – P.Iva 00518180310 – Reg. Impr. Gorizia N. 00157550302 – Capitale Sociale EUR 7.000.000 i.v.
Subject to management and coordination by Groupe Seb SA