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Coffee grinder
with dispenser
Coffe grinder
Bar equipment
Barista accessories
The 105 MULTIBOILER ACT is available in six versions with 2 and 3 groups, each available with 3 different work surface heights (standard, intermediate and high).
A latest generation machine characterised by a prestigious design, allowing simplified programming and control of all main operating parameters to ensure the best quality coffee in the cup.
The 105 MULTIBOILER ACT is equipped with a touch panel with a graphic icon display that allows the same kind of instant access as a smartphone to all the functions available in the menu. The temperatures of the coffee dispensing groups, which are always on-screen, can be adjusted separately with the possibility of configuring a personalised extraction profile for every individual dose and checking that the best temperature is maintained during operation.
A great deal of attention has been paid to the ergonomics as well, thanks to the choice of three different heights and the possibility of modifying the work top lighting with multi-coloured LEDs.
An electronic pressure measurement system replaces the analogue pressure
An electronic pressure measurement system replaces the analogue pressure gauge controlling the pump and the boiler dedicated to producing steam and hot water. This solution means that not only can milk be frothed perfectly, but the temperature of each individual extraction group remains stable and provides water at a constant temperature for making tea.
To guarantee the best energy performance possible, the machine can be put in stand-by and reactivated with a simple touch of the “fast warm-up” button.
Remote control through APP via E-mail and Bluetooth
The 105 Multiboiler ACT model has a dedicated APP to manage the machine remotely in an immediate, simple, and intuitive way. Through the App, the users, who have an assigned username and password, can not only configure, manage, and control the machine by himself via Bluetooth, but also to monitor and optimize its operation and efficiency through the analysis of recorded operational and statistical data at their disposal even from great distances by authorized recipients via e-mail.
A temperature curve from four possible profiles
3 different work surface heights
The 105 Multiboiler Act is available with 3 different work surface heights (standard, intermediate and high). Disappearing trays in the high version allow use of the machine even with traditional espresso cups.
Metalized Red
Metalized sky blue
Metalized grey
Metalized Anthracite
matt black
glossy white
Since 1920, La San Marco has represented excellence in the production of espresso machines. It is a recognized leader in the segment of machines with the traditional lever system. It also produces a wide range of traditional, automatic and semi-automatic machines, and capsule machines, grinders and other professional equipment for bars, restaurants and hotels, which it distributes worldwide.
La San Marco S.P.A.
Via Padre e Figlio Venuti, 10 – 34072 – Gradisca D’isonzo (GO) – Italy Tel. (+39) 0481 967111 – Fax: (+39) 0481 960166 – Info@lasanmarco.com – lasanmarcospa@pec-mail.It – C.F. 00157550302 – P.Iva 00518180310 – Reg. Impr. Gorizia N. 00157550302 – Capitale Sociale EUR 7.000.000 i.v.
Subject to management and coordination by Groupe Seb SA