11 April 2024
D.Scovery Masterclass – Ferrara
With 104 years of history, La San Marco persists in its commitment to training coffee professionals from all over Italy. On 9 and 10 April in Ferrara, two days of MasterClass were held at Ima Coffee Hub, a company specialising in the design of complete roasting plants. The event was attended by the best Italian coffee roasters, hosted by La San Marco in the historic city of Este. ‘We promote knowledge as the key to an informed coffee experience,’ said Managing Director Roberto Nocera. The days were enriched by talks from coffee experts, industry professionals and enthusiasts, focusing on espresso trends in Italy, extraction technologies and flavour customisation.This training event was also an opportunity for La San Marco to showcase its globally recognised flagship products.The MasterClass lecturers included Mauro Illiano, wine and food journalist and editor for the Italian Sommelier Association of Naples; Andrej Godina, renowned coffee expert with a PhD in coffee science, technology and economics from the University of Trieste; Francesco Costanzo, Brand Ambassador for La San Marco, holder of the world record for the highest number of espresso coffees extracted in one hour in 2017; and Maurizio Barbi, an expert in green coffee evaluation and the use of specialised equipment, as well as being a trainer and technical judge in the field.During the days, which started at 9 a.m. and ended at 4 p.m., great attention was paid to how, through the regulation of temperature and pressure profiles in the La San Marco machines, it is possible to customise the result in the cup of each blend, single-origin or specialty.