SM Premium Smart Instant
On-demand models with 3.5” touch display with filter holder recognition
In the smart version it will be possible for the models called SMART-V to set the grinding speed in a range from 400 to 1200 rpm (revolutions/minute) with steps of 50 rpm.
In this way, the barista will be able to find the correct combination of grinding adjustment and grinder speed that best suits the blend used.
On-demand models with 3.5” touch display with filter holder recognition
Since 1920, La San Marco has represented excellence in the production of espresso machines. It is a recognized leader in the segment of machines with the traditional lever system. It also produces a wide range of traditional, automatic and semi-automatic machines, and capsule machines, grinders and other professional equipment for bars, restaurants and hotels, which it distributes worldwide.
La San Marco S.P.A.
Via Padre e Figlio Venuti, 10 – 34072 – Gradisca D’isonzo (GO) – Italy Tel. (+39) 0481 967111 – Fax: (+39) 0481 960166 – Info@lasanmarco.com – lasanmarcospa@pec-mail.It – C.F. 00157550302 – P.Iva 00518180310 – Reg. Impr. Gorizia N. 00157550302 – Capitale Sociale EUR 7.000.000 i.v.
Subject to management and coordination by Groupe Seb SA